Brand perception in fast fashion

With allegations of unsafe working conditions and exploitative pay swirling around online retailer, Boohoo, Campaign reached out to our Strategy Partner, David Frymann, to ask his opinion on the impact on brand perception.

“It reinforces the fact that Boohoo sells cheap clothing, so whilst it’s negative PR, it enhances its image as a value player. In Bryon Sharp terms, it reinforces memory structures. Furthermore, these types of painful stories tend only to reach and engage people who actively care about the lives and livelihoods of others – and I suspect those people aren’t Boohoo’s target audience.

For Boohoo’s clientele, the key drivers are to be on trend and to win compliments for nailing the latest look – as opposed to gaining kudos for choosing to buy fashion with a conscience. So, in short, yes it affects brand reputation, but in all likelihood only among non-shoppers.”

The full article can be read here.

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