Launching and amplifying a powerful new brand platform to drive action and find a cure for the UK’s biggest killer
We were appointed by Alzheimer’s Research UK to develop a fresh brand strategy and an innovative communications platform to help them tackle one of the UK’s leading causes of death. This was a collaborative approach, as a single, cross-disciplined team across the three agencies within our own group – Yonder (media), Above+Beyond (creative), and Frontier (strategy). We worked hand in hand with the client across all areas of its organisation to generate insight and ensure collective alignment.
What we did
We developed a new north star in close collaboration with the client, involving 80 stakeholder interviews initially (to understand individual needs), workshops on the archetype opportunity and finally stress testing across all comms.
The master comms and media strategy were defined in collaboration with client, agency teams as well as involving key stakeholders beyond marketing to ensure all KPIs were considered.
The core creative was a 120’ Disney-style animated film that showed the heartbreaking realities of how dementia steals happily ever afters. Defined with media, creative, PR and production working hand in hand, this ensured that the opportunity for the brand was maximised on all levels.
We orchestrated a 360 campaign for launch which not only considered paid media, but all aspects of the business – whilst we may not have been doing all, we aided with mapping out the experience and joining up the journey.
Our launch campaign became the tentpole moment, amplifying the message and kick-starting a bold new approach for the brand which exploded out across the whole audience experience.